In order to be able to attract new residents and tourists to their local areas, partners will work with all the lessons learnt throughout the project period to design common guidelines to develop a sustainable local action plan, strategy on branding. Afterwards each partner will adapt it to their local areas, taking into account their main tourist resources they want to promote and the target group they want to address.
A Study and Analysis of Tourist Resources to provide advice to foster process innovation and entrepreneurial activities in rural areas.
It will provide a toolkit and recommendations:
- For local and regional authorities on branding and local action plans.
- For vocational schools.
- To integrate the project results into their curriculum.
- Innovative ideas of tourism services.
- Guide to create apps for smart phones, which will help attracting tourists and getting loyal customers from the locals.
- Partners’ SWOT analysis and questionnaires - how others see us?
- Guide on examples of good traditional and non traditional branding methods.
- Movie developed by Romanian students, with recorded material from every partner showing the project most interesting topics.
- 4 semester newsletters on each topic development.
- Increased skills of participating staff,and other beneficiaries as SMEs, new entrepreneurs and students.
Designed and developed by Exesios BDD
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