iBrave - The way to brand

IBRAVE in the spotlight

On the 17th February,2016 at 1.p.m, The Cutlural Centre "Alexandru Marghiloman" hosted the inauguration of the photo exhibition "Pe plaiuri buzoiene", made by students from the Colegiul Economic Buzau. The exhibition is part of the international project IBRAVE (Improving Branding of Rural areas through Vocational Education) made within ERAMUS+.

people viewing the show

At the inauguration representatives of the institutions in the educational, administrative and cultural field participated, as well as teachers and students involved in the project.

The exhibition contains the most beutiful photos taken by the students during their trips organised in many areas of the county during the autumn term of this school year.

(Berca-Vulcanii Noroisi,Dealul Istrita,Bozoiru,Siriu,Cislau,Magura si Manzalesti)

Students at the exhibiton

The purpose was to promote and understand the beauty of our country and to see how many tourist objectives that are there to be visited here. The Cultural centre "Alexandru Marghiloman", "as a partner of Colegiuli Economic Buzau in this project will be the host of this exhibiton that can be visited fron 17th to 28th February, according to the programme of the institution" said Raluca Chitacu, Public Relations Inspector at the Cenre, Alexandru Marghiloman, Buzau.

The exhibiton was a real success with the public who are interested to see beautiful and unusual things.

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