iBrave - The way to brand

Muddy Volcanoes

In the Project IBRAVE we chose to visit and promote Muddy Volcanoes, a unique natural reserve in Romania. Once in the area, we were amazed by the appearance of the two spectacular areas: small craters, volcanoes similar to those of true throws a sort of lava forming around them a large fortified mud-brown. “Pâclele”, large or small, turning everything into a fairytale world.

In the middle of this world Muddy Volcanoes guesthouse is a true oasis of relax that aims to take away the stress of the city. It offers very good conditions for tourists  for all budgets. The rooms, modern furnished, equipped with bathroom, clean, waiting to cross the threshold.In the court of the pension, it greets you a amazing flower garden, a football field and several gazebos. We all enjoyed the traditional food as well, which could not miss the famous “Plescoi” sausages, the soup with meat in a jar, all natural ingredients from its own farm.

"It came here every year between 25000 and 30000 tourists, which about 30% are foreigners," said Mr. Dumitru Rosu, president of  Red Mud Volcanoes Association, custodian Natura 2000-272. The maximum recorded in July and August, and most tourists are students who come through organized excursions.

By all accounts, Volcanoes are unique and worth visiting!

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