iBrave - The way to brand

The Project

2-year project aimed at creating more attractive local areas for residents and tourists through developing vocational skills by exploring existing branding methods.

Co-financed by Erasmus + KA2.
Starting in September 2014 – End August 2016
Ceutí (Spain) is the project owner / project coordinator

Main Objectives

To develop through cross-border cooperation vocational skills by exploring existing branding methods, and identify the most effective methods on a municipality level to strengthen the link between local SME’s and the municipality. There will be a special emphasis on SME’s with focus on tourism, to create more attractive local areas where residents and tourists want to come and stay, and to create work opportunities.

Target Groups

First target group

- Professionals working in the partners’ organisations
- Teachers working in the partners’ organisations

Second target group

- SMEs in the tourism sector
- Students of vocational schools
- Politicians
- New entrepreneurs in the tourism sector

Problems the project intends to address

Population is decreasing in rural areas and leaving small municipalities if not located in a big city area.

A lack of common and comprehensive branding understanding among partners which represent local municipalities.

Need to find methods to involve SMEs and cooperate with them.

Need to train vocational students and entrepreneurs on branding methods, local attractiveness and new technologies which can be used.

Get in touch

Designed and developed by Exesios BDD

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